Paper Trails


Tag: isolved

small business HCM software

Does my small business need HCM software?

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, managing your workforce efficiently and effectively is vital for growth and success. For small and medium-sized businesses, Human Capital Management (HCM) software can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll dive into what HCM software is, why it’s crucial for all businesses, and whether small

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what is

What is myhrstuff?

In the evolving landscape of modern workplaces, “Employee Self-Service” (ESS) has emerged as a cornerstone concept. At its core, ESS refers to the digital platforms and tools that enable employees to handle many of their own HR-related tasks, from accessing paystubs to updating personal information. Instead of relying solely on

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top tips for switching payroll companies

Top tips for switching payroll companies

Employees are the backbone of all businesses. They work hard every day to ensure the success and growth of the company. That’s why it is crucial for employers to pay them timely and accurately and having a reliable and efficient payroll system is essential for doing so. Unfortunately, many employers

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national vs local payroll providers

National vs local payroll providers

Payroll Service Comparison: National vs local payroll providers The payroll process is one of the foundational pieces of any business.  This is where you will pay your employees timely and accurately to keep them engaged and retained, as well as keep your business in compliance with federal and state payroll

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5 features of isolved

5 features of isolved you probably didn’t know you had access to Businesses should take advantage of the powerful payroll and human capital management (HCM) software options that are available to them. These platforms allow businesses to streamline their payroll and human resource needs efficiently and effectively. isolved is one

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Selecting a payroll software

Things to consider when selecting a payroll software A priority of all businesses should be automating the payroll process. Whether a small business with 5 employees, or a large business with 500 employees, using software to pay employees has many advantages. Some advantages include reducing administrative burden, improving financial health,

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isolved earns multiple HCM awards

As part of the Paper Trails service, we provide our clients with the access to the isolved HCM system. The isolved payroll and human resource management platform assists Paper Trails and its’ clients in automating human resource tasks to help employers manage employees. This great system is recognized as a leading

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What are the HR features of isolved?

Human resources and payroll are both complicated processes. Many businesses struggle to keep up with changes in local and federal legislation and the evolving compliance challenges. Automating your human resources is a great way to assist you in managing your employees and their needs. The isolved HCM platform is a

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What is the isolved HCM platform?

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a great product or service. It demands efficient management of your most valuable asset—your workforce. Human Capital Management (HCM) software has emerged as a game-changer in this regard, and in this blog post, we’re going to

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